Monday, May 18, 2020

Concept Of Organizational Culture Shift - 3623 Words

This movie illustrates the ability for organizational change to influence success, and widely accepted societal norms to be defied, through the combined efforts of a group of individuals. In this particular instance, a â€Å"lowly rated† baseball team in a small market and inauspicious financial setting is able to undergo a transformative change, primarily due to their beliefs. This illustrates to organizations that change can be beneficial and is usually required in order to remain competitive, and it is often a preferred route to follow in order to achieve desired goals. â€Å"Change is important in organizations as it allows employees to learn new skills, explore new opportunities and exercise their creativity in ways that ultimately benefit the organization through new idea generation and increased commitment† (Leigh Demand, n.d., para. 6). The concept of organizational culture shift can be viewed as a process that is undertaken for growth and success, as it creates room for new opportunities and risk taking. The purpose of the paper which highlights the need for organizational and cultural change, and its intrinsic benefits, will be achieved through an analysis of the internal culture and the influence of external environment, by observing the benefits of incorporating change in an organization. Furthermore, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adapting to changes and the competitive edge it provides to organizations. This paper will begin with a synopsis, whichShow MoreRelatedImpact of Globalization on Development of Business1520 Words   |  6 Pagesimportance to organizational dynamics (Al-Rodhan 5).The concept of globalization is noted to be a trend which is timeless and evolutionary. 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